
Understanding sustainability involves navigating an ocean of diverse interpretations.

At Sacred Warmth, sustainability revolves around our short, traceable and concise supply chain.

Traceable Threads

Every step, from harvesting fleece, yarn spinning to crafting fabric and garments, takes place within the borders of Peru. By having our entire supply chain based in a single country, we guarantee social, ethical and environmental sustainability at every production stage.

Our streamlined supply chain not only reduces transportation carbon footprints but also ensures thorough traceability.

Single Origin Supply Chain

Alpaca to Fleece

For thousands of years, alpacas have been bred and domesticated by family farms in southern Peru to raise for their wool, stool (as fertilizer) and obviously, their cute and loving companionship.

As a bonus, with their light footprints and gentle grazing, alpacas create a perfect balance with nature in any ecological environment. In the summer, when temperatures rise and alpacas can no longer regulate their body temperature through their bulky fur, they are sheared with gentle and caring traditional techniques.

It is in their best interest to get sheared during the summer to maintain comfortable, cool temperatures and reduce heat stress, which can be fatal to the animals. It is important to shear alpacas at the right time of the year to ensure their health and well-being. In addition to promoting a healthy, shiny coat, it also prevents parasites and infections in alpacas.

Yarn and Fleece Production

Once the fleece is sheared and harvested, we kick off the process of turning those raw "wool tops" into yarn by washing and spinning.

To keep the wool's natural color without using dyes, we first separate the fleece tops into yarn collections based on their original colors and then spin them together.

After leaving southern Peru, the yarn makes its way overland to Lima, where we knit it into our distinctive garments.

Garnment Production and Labeling

The fabric is then cut and stitched together to make the final garment. Our products are 100% handmade with the occasional support of sewing machines.

The products are then inspected for defects and imperfections before being packaged and shipped.

This process ensures that our products follow the highest quality and craftsmanship standards.


After the final product is completed, the garments are carefully packaged up and shipped to our Vancouver warehouse.


When you make an online order, your alpaca clothes will arrive in a compostable packaging.

Our short supply chain and sustainable production methods allow us to minimize transportation carbon footprints and ensure product traceability.

Social Impact

With every purchase you make, you're not just adding timeless, quality garments to your closet; you're becoming a part of something bigger. You contribute to Kantaya, a charity close to our hearts, dedicated to empowering vulnerable children. It's more than a transaction – it's an investment in changing lives and breaking down barriers through education and support.

We are all about simple, but stylish, comfortable, and durable designs. With us, you'll find items that will last for years and can be worn with multiple outfits.